About Us
Cub Scout Pack 33 is proudly sponsored by the Westminster VFW. Pack 33 is part of the Soaring Eagle District of the Heart of New England Council, Boy Scouts of America. Parents and volunteer leaders work together with a focus on Parents, leaders, and organizations work together with a focus on the Core Values to achieve the 10 purposes of Cub Scouting:
Cub Scout Pack 33 is an active Pack with approximately 50 active Cub Scouts and Webelos. We have trained and dedicated leaders who work closely with the Scouts and provides a year-round Cub Scout program. Each den has between 3 - 10 Scouts and at least two Den Leaders/ Assistant Den Leaders assigned to it.
Pack 33 is a family pack that welcomes both boys and girls from Kindergarten through fifth grade or ages 5 through 10 years of age. Pack 33 welcomes all youth and families to join our Scouting family, everyone is welcome
Scouts of different ages have different ranks in Cub Scouting. As you go from Lion (kindergarten) to Arrow of Light Scout (5th grade), you learn new things and new skills that you use to meet new challenges as you get old
Lion. Kindergarten Scouts join a Lion Den, each Scout works with the Den Leader and parent/guardian on the requirements to earn their Lion badge.
Tiger. First-grade Scouts join a Tiger Den, where each Scout works with an adult partner on the requirements to earn their Tiger badge.
Wolf. Second-grade Scouts graduate into a Wolf Den. They go to den meetings on their own, but their families still help them work on the requirements for the Wolf badge.
Bear. Scouts in the third grade are members of a Bear Den. They also work with their families to do the requirements for the Bear badge, but Scouts this old have enough knowledge and skill to take on more of the work by themselves.
Webelos and Arrow of Light. Scouts in the fourth grade become Webelos and in the fifth grade become Arrow of Light Scouts. Webelos and Arrow of Light Scouts do more advanced activities to get ready to graduate into Scouts BSA.
Activities are used to achieve the aims of Scouting—citizenship training, character development, and personal fitness. Many of the activities happen right in the den and pack. The most important are the weekly den meetings and the monthly pack meetings.
Apart from the fun and excitement of Cub Scout activities, the Scout Oath, the Scout Law, and the Cub Scout sign, handshake, motto, and salute all teach good citizenship and contribute to a scout's sense of belonging.
The goals of our Cub Scout leaders are;
To seek out and maximize the many opportunities to incorporate character development
To convince the young Cub Scout that character is important to the individual, to his family, community, country, world, and God
For more information on the adult members of our leadership team please click on their name. For more information on a specific Den please click on the Den number.
Pack Leaders
Cubmaster - Ashley Lang
Assistant Cubmaster - Heather Layton
Lion Den Leaders - Arthur McGee; Assistant Den Leader: Brandice French and Courtney McGee
Tiger Den Leaders - Deonne O'Connor and Corey Feeley
Wolf Den Leaders - Catherine Rochon and Katherine LeBlanc
Bear Den Leaders - Arthur McGee; Assistant Den Leader: Zach Cutting
Webelos Den Leaders - Ashley Lang and Brandice French;
Arrow of Light Leaders - Heather Layton and Mark Layton and Assistant Den Leaders: Matthew Shults and Zach Cutting
Committee Members
Committee Chair - Corey Feely
Chartered Organization Rep. -Tom Duncan
New Member Coordinator - Vacant
Treasurer - Elise Gilbreath
Secretary - Katherine LeBlanc
Public Relations - Vacant
Fundraising Chair - Courtney McGee
Popcorn Kernel - Heather Layton
Advancement Chair - James Lang
Committee Member - Jeremy Careau